Friday, November 24, 2006

Stache will come back

OK next time Sonja goes on vacation without me I’ll grow a moustache. Its name will be stache and he will be my friend. Did you know teachers in the uk get 3 months off a year and Sonja still complains about how difficult the job is. Could someone please explain to me how a job where you get to boss 4-5 year olds around all day and get 3 months off a year can be difficult? Anyways the next time she goes on vacation without me (seems even in the UK I don’t get 3 months vacation) I will start the growth and post pictures.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

An update from this side of the world

Well here is a quick update on the life of Glenn and Sonja.

We were lucky enough to have one of Sonja’s close friends come and stay with us for a week. It was awesome to have someone from back home here visiting us in the middle of November. Normally people come in the middle of summer as that tends to be the best weather but Felice, Sonja’s friend, lucked out and got dry weather the whole time she was here. We tons of fun stuff with Felice and sent her home early Sunday morning after we had taken her out all night to the clubs and the yummy street meat. After having anyone with you for so long tires you out and Sonja and I were both expecting to be able to take it easy on that Sunday when we were called by another friend of Sonja’s who needed a place to stay before flying home to Canada. So guess what we had to hang out with them as well. We had a nice visit but we were unable to get to bed before 10pm after the night before where we only had 4 hours sleep. I am not complaining but I would prefer if Sonja worked on staggering when her friends come to visit.

This year Sonja has had a cold every couple of weeks and again today she got up with a lost voice and a stuffy nose. I on the other hand have been lucky and I have not picked up any of her sickness. Sonja being sick all the time is taking away from her running but if she gets in she will be running the London marathon. Her goal is to just finish London and run a fast time in Berlin so that she can qualify to Boston. I keep telling her that Boston is super hilly but she has always wanted to run it so that’s what she wants that’s what she gets.

My running is coming along pretty well. I run to and from work everyday plus workouts on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The run to work is 5.5 km so everyday I get at least 11km in. I love running to work because you get to rock up and have a nice warm shower before starting work instead of having to sit on the stinky tube and then get to work and not have a shower. The club that I am with race in a cross country league that has a race every other weekend so I have been doing those and have convinced Sonja that she needs to join so that she can come out and have as much fun as I do getting dirty. While at university we ran most of our races on golf courses or nice parks, here they know what the word cross country is and we run through some serious mud.

I am done Christmas shopping ha! Well except for Sonja as I don’t have any idea on what to get her this year. And to those that are thinking it I am not going to give her a ring for Christmas. This year Sonja and I are going to Morocco for Christmas so please join me on a Christmas day run. This is how it works: You run on Christmas day and then you email me where you ran, what time of day it was, who you were with, what the weather was and pretty much anything else that you want to tell me.

Well I’m off to work so I hope everyone has a great Friday

Monday, November 06, 2006

New Job

Well I've been at this new job for almost two months now so I think I can finally give a fair assessment of it now. When I firt arrived they were in the middle of a (sorry parents) shit storm for lack of a better word. The team was two weeks late on pushing something out the door and were working crazy hours to get things done. Little weird jumping right in on my second day and making vital additions to their codebase but hey if you can't live on the edge you aren't living. Well for the first month I worked long hours like the rest of the team and I was really worried that this was what I had signed myself up for but I refused to believe that I could have put myself in such a bad situation. Well after we got it out the door the company took us for lunch/dinner/piss up fest. It was awesome this company really takes care of you when you do something nice for them. They threw around the money like it was going out of style. Every month my division goes out for an outting and this month it was bowling followed by a bunch of beers all bought by the company. Man I really like working for a company that has tons of cash in the bank.

Am I enjoying my job was the question that was raised by Sonja at dinner tonight and the answer is yes and no. Had I still had the job that I had in Victoria I would be really upset moving to this company as I really liked working for GenoLogics and I really believed in what we were building. The reason I left was not because of the company but the job that I had didn't really appeal to me. I wasn't learning and I wasn't meeting many new people because I had to travel a lot. I really enjoy being part of small company where you have no choice but to learn all the technology or the company fails as the new company I am with has almost a thousand people so some of the crazy technology is hidden away from me.

The things that I like about the big company:
-Security: knowing that I will be able to move up in the company and won't be held back because of my age. The old job I often thought they brought people in to manage the developers when the smarter thing would have been to promote internally.
-Crazy technology: Even though I complain that I don't get to learn the ins and outs of everything that this new company does I do get to speak with the people who have built it and I get to understand why certain decisions were made.
-New Challenges: My team is leading the way on transforming how the company produces software. When your team is moving a large iceburg it is exciting yet very difficult. This is a plus and a minus.

Things that I don't like in a big company:
-Communication: I think in a large organization communication is done poorly. Part of the problem is people just don't know who to ask so they have to get their manager to ask another manager to get something done. If you could eleminate those two managers the job would get ton three times faster.
-Managers managers manager: Too many managers (I've made a move to get myself in position to be one pretty quick)
-Time for things to change: In the old company it would take 4 months max to push something important through the business but with this new company it takes a whole lot longer than that.

Ah thats about all I want to say today.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sonja's pictures from Italy

originally uploaded by Glenn Saqui.
Here are Sonja's pictures from here trip from Italy. More info to come.

Sonja and Glenn
Speech Recognition