Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Giant Grizzled Squirrel, from Rob

We are currently in Mysore, Southern Karnataka, but tomorrow or the next day we will by busting our asses up to Hampi, via Bangalore. I had nearly forgotton one incident while back in Periyar NP.

In Periyar I thought you would like to know, we came across The Most Feared Giant Grizzled Squirel. What a terrifying sight that was! Why there was not an armed guard with us, I cannot understand. It was very irresponsible on the part of the park rangers. When we saw the said beast, our guide starting running and shrieking like a girl, so naturally we followed his lead. Glenn's runner instincts kicked in and he started throwing elbows on the narrow single track. An unfortunated German girl caught the worst of it and went down. I know Glenn never meant to hurt her, in his mind he was just running another race. He tends to get a bit intense sometimes. Nevertheless, I could not just leave the girl to die. From my bag I retrieved my trusty pineapple carving sword and faced the evil creature. He tried to circle around me and get to the girl who had a badly sprained ankle He saw the intensity in my eyes and so prefered to go for the easy kill, but I would have none of it. With one hand I fumbled for my camera and made sure the red-eye flash setting was on. Grizzled Squirells really hate to have their picture taken. When he saw me pull out my camera, he was no longer concered about the dame, but only wanted to stop me from compromising his anonymity. At this moment the beast lunged, and I fell into my yoga ninjai training that I had recieved in Varkala. I dropped backward into a roll and then when the beast was nearly upon my I exploded into a shoulder stance therby sending the monster into a tree. Before he could recover I leapt upon him and slashed at his throat with my pineapple sword. The beast howled in pain and ran off into the jungle to die. I looked down and noticed I too had been wounded; The Giant Grizzled Squirrel had ripped my shirt clean off. I then picked up the wounded girl and ran her to safety. Needless to say, she was very thankful. Glenn and I later double checked our guidebooks, there was not even a warning about the beast. They really dropped the ball on that one.


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